Water type fire extinguishers
[ we can easily study about water type fire extinguisher by this post]
Introduction –
fire extinguisher is a potable first- aid fire fighting equipment that help to extinguish initiation of fire (short type of fire) to avoid big fire accidents. Water is a first & very common extinguishing agent for fire, for that water type fire extinguisher first invented in the world to deal with shot fire.
Wet chemical & halon type |
Definition water type extinguisher –
Contain water in side of cylinder to extinguish the fire for that it call water type fire extinguisher.
Color - This type of extinguisher color in single red.
classification of water type fire extinguisher -
Soda acid type
CO2 cartridge type
Stored pressure type
Soda acid water type fire extinguisher
Soda acid type first invented extinguisher in the world but it not use in present time. Contain soda and acid in side of cylinder that help to extinguish the fire for that it call soda acid extinguisher.
Every extinguisher need strong internal pressure to throw out the agent through the discharge tube to the center of fire for extinguishes.
Chemicals and agent –
This type of extinguisher contains two chemicals are sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Extinguishing agents is water
Reaction –
Sodium bicarbonate has mix with water to create a solution then combine the sulfuric acid with the soda water solution to create co2 gas.
Parts of extinguisher –
extinguisher have 2 sections -
Main body and cap assembly
Main body -
Steel cylinder, discharge tube, hanging handles / stand/carrying handle, alkaline indicator.
Cap assembly-
Gun mental top cap, plunger, spring pin system, metal barricade, atmospheric valve, nick ring, acid container (blab), and acid container holding cage.
Function of parts –
• Steel cylinder – for contain soda water solution.
• Gun metal cap – for tightly cover open hole of cylinder and hold other parts for that it call cap assembly.
• Plunger - for trigger the extinguisher
• Spring pin system – It help to puncher the acid bottle.
• Vent whole - It helps to release the excessive pressure.
• Nick ring – it help to properly fix cap
• Handle and stand –it role as stand and carrying handle of extinguisher & also protect the plunger.
• Acid container – contain sulfuric acid.
• Holder cage – it is a cage to hole the acid container
• Indicator - it help to indicate alkaline level...
• Discharge tube – it help to throw out extinguishing agents.
• Nozzle - it help to widely spared extinguishing agents.
Assemble of parts –
• Soda acid type extinguisher have a 1.6 mm thick steel container , the cylinder fill by water according of measurement mark ,and soda has mix with water to create a solution inside.
• Gunmetal cap tightly fix top the cylinder.
• A nick ring attach on cap screw.
• Plunger jointed on the cap that easily moves through the cap.
• Atmospheric whole present beside the nick on the cap.
• A spring pin system attach with plunger inside of the cap.
• A thin glass acid bottle contain H2SO4 fix just under the spring pin system.
• A holding cage holds the acid bottle inside.
• Discharge tube attach with cylinder.
• Discharge tube opens with nozzle.
• An alkaline level indicator attach out wall of cylinder.
• A steel handle / stand fix out wall of cylinder.
Technique of work –
During fire charge to extinguisher first have hard punch on the plunger to puncher glass container then turn up side down and H2SO4 release to combine with soda water mixture and create CO2 gas on empty space over the water in cylinder, for that CO2 gas create high pressure to the water in side of cylinder, the pressurized water throw out by discharge tube to centRE of fire.
Operating method –
First take it from the wall.
Then take proper fire fighting position beside the fire.
Then hard punch on plunger and turn upside down the cylinder
Then hold the discharge tube to the fire.
And sweep on fire.
CO2 cartridge water type fire extinguisher
This type of extinguisher have use most of work area. It upgrade version of soda acid extinguisher, it contain cartridge to store co2 for that it call cartridge type.
Gas and agent-
This type of extinguisher not contain chemicals it contains only ‘co2 gas’ cartridge for create pressure inside and extinguishing agent is ‘water’.
Parts of extinguisher –
Extinguisher have 2 sections
Main body and cap assembly
Main body – steel cylinder, cartridge, siphon tube, strainer, discharge tube, nozzle, carrying handle.
Cap assembly - safety clips, vent hole, inner hole, safety pin, nick ring, plunger/ operating lever, spring pin system.
Function of parts –
• Steel cylinder- contain extinguishing agent water
• Gun metal cap – it help to tightly screw hole of cylinder and hold other parts.
• Nick ring – it help to properly fix the screw cap.
• Cartridge – contain compress co2 gas.
• Plunger /operating lever- that help trigger the extinguisher.
• Spring pin system – it help to puncher co2 cartridge.
• Safety vent hole – help to release extra pressure of cylinder before the cap taken off during blockage cylinder or unnecessary charge.
• Inner hole – it help to spared co2 gas on the cylinder from cartridge.
• Safety pin - it help to lock the trigger.
• Siphon tube – it help to pump up extinguishing agents to discharge tube.
• Strainer – it help to filter the water.
• Discharge tube – it help to throw out water.
• Nozzle - it help spread the water on the fire like rain.
Assemble of parts -
• This type of extinguisher has a 1.6 mm thick steel cylinder and cylinder fill by water according of measurement mark.
• Gun metal cap proper fix by nick ring top the cylinder.
• The plunger/ operation lever joint on cap that move through the cap.
• A safety pin attach with plunger.
• Safety vent hole fix beside the plunger neck position of cap.
• Inner hole fix beside the cartridge in side of cap.
• A spring pin system attach with plunger/ operating lever.
• Co2 cartridge hold on cartridge holder just under spring pin system in the cap.
• Siphon tube fix bottom of cylinder and connect to discharge tube.
• Discharge tube attaches with cylinder body (plunger type) or attach with cap assembly (operating lever type).
• A nozzle attach with end point of discharge tube.
Technique of work-
During the fire first hard press on the plunger/operating lever, then spring pin break the seal of cartridge to release co2 empty space of over the water and create pressure(6 – 7kg/cm2) to the water , the pressurize water pump up by siphon tube to throw (about 20 feet) out through discharge tube to center of fire.
Operating methods –
• First take it to fire site from wall/extinguisher stand
• Take proper physically safe position near of fire according of wind direction.
• Remove the safety clip/pin.
• Strongly punch on the plunger/operating lever to break the seal of co2 cartridge.
• Hold the discharge tube to aim the fire and sweep on the fire.
Size -
potable 9 kg
Mobile – 50 kg, 100 kg, 150 kg.
Maintenance -
Every extinguisher have need proper maintains for it always ready for extinguish fire in emergency.
• This type of extinguisher is one time use by one time refilling.
• Daily/ weekly clean up the whole body
• Check it properly every parts interval every 3 month
• Must be check the weight of co2 cartridge, if it loss of 10% of weight so it not for use.
• All movable parts must be check for to maintain proper movement
• Properly clean up inside of cylinder and check about rust of metal cylinder due to water.
• Check the siphon tube and discharge tube to maintain proper working condition.
• Every one year it must be refilling even it not charge.
• Every 2 year it must be hydraulic test by 26 kg/cm2.
This type of extinguisher refilling easy process
• Open the cylinder and remove used cartridge and fix the new co2 cartridge in holder.
• Fulfill the fresh water according particular measurements mark of cylinder.
Stored pressure type water extinguisher
These types of extinguisher are new and very advance that use every industrial site in present type. Water type stored pressure extinguisher is replacement of other type of water extinguisher.
Expended gas and extinguishing agents place in same container for that it ca; stored pressure type extinguisher.
Gas and agents -
This type of extinguisher use compress air / nitrogen for create pressure and extinguishing agents is water.
Parts of extinguisher -
This type of extinguisher has 2 sections
Main body and cap assembly
Main body- steel cylinder, siphon tube, strainer.
Cap assembly- safety pin, operating lever , spring valve, carrying handle ,pressure gauge , non return valve (NRV), discharge tube, nozzle,
Function of parts –
• Steel cylinder – it contain water and expelled gas is nitrogen / compress air
• Siphon tube – it help to pump up the water
• Strainer - it help to filter the water before enter to siphon tube.
• Operating lever – it help to trigger the extinguisher
• Spring valve – it control by operating lever to open the valve & start the flow out.
• Handle - it help to carry the extinguisher and also help to operate the lever.
• Pressure gaze – it help to show the cylinder internal pressure.
• Non return valve – it help to stop return of compress gas / air from cylinder.
• Discharge tube – it help to throw out the extinguishing agent (water).
• Nozzle – it help to spread the agents (water) to the fire.
Assembly of parts –
• This type of extinguisher have 1.6 mm cylinder that contain water measurement mark of cylinder and remain space fill by nitrogen / compress gas.
• Cap assembly tightly screw top of the cylinder ant hold other parts for that it call cap assembly.
• Operating liver fix on the cap with carrying handle.
• Safety pin attach with leaver.
• Spring valve fix between siphon tube and discharge tube that that attach with operating lever inside of cap.
• Pressure gauge attach beside the discharge tube on the cap.
• Siphon tube fix bottom form cylinder to connect with discharge tube.
• Nozzle joint with discharge tube.
Working technique –
During the fire first hard press to lever that open the spring valve and extinguishing agent(water) throw out(distance feet) through discharge tube and nozzle( jet pressure 7kg/cm2), because already the agent( water) pressurized due to stored nitrogen /compress air pressure in same container.
Size -
potable -9 kg
Mobil - 50 kg and 150 kg
Operating method –
• First take it to fire site from wall/extinguisher stand
(Check the pressure gauge should be 10.5kg green for working condition)
• Take proper physically safe position near of fire according of wind direction.
• Remove the safety clip/pin.
• Strongly press on the operating.
• Hold the discharge tube to aim the fire and sweep on the fire.
• If fire is control before finish cylinder then free the lever to stop it because it not for one time use like cartridge type by one time refilling .
Maintenance –
Every extinguisher have need proper maintains for it always ready for extinguish fire in emergency, but this type of extinguisher openly maintenance and refilling occur only on manufacturer.
Daily/ weekly clean up the whole body.
Every 3/6 month need to it internal inspection by professional.
Check the discharge tube and maintain too easy to work.
Need hydraulic test 25 kg/cm2 every 3 year for 6 minutes.
Extinguishing method –
Water type fire extinguisher extinguish the fire through cooling method by reduce the heat.
Application –
water type fire extinguisher specially use for ordinary fire/ a class fire but it can be use b and c type fire but shot type fire.
Extinguisher Safety-
• Do not place the extinguisher any hot area.
• During use of cartridge type extinguisher be aware because it can be blast due to fault.
• Extinguisher should be proper maintaining.
• During charge of water type fire extinguisher should be tightly hold discharge tube, because it can hit due to pressure.