Carbon dioxide (Co2) fire extinguisher

          Carbon dioxide (Co2) fire extinguisher

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Carbon dioxide (Co2) fire extinguisher


Fire extinguisher is a potable first- aid fire fighting equipment that help to extinguish initiation of fire (short type of fire) to avoid big fire accidents. Carbon dioxide ( co2 ) can play great role to extinguish fire for that invented carbon dioxide ( co2 ) fire extinguisher to quickly deal with shot type fire. This gas type of extinguisher very advance & easy to operate than others, also it does not damage the properties.



Water type fire extinguisher


Foam type fire extinguisher


DCP type extinguisher

Definition of carbon dioxide (co2) fire extinguisher-

This type of extinguisher contains only carbon dioxide ( co2 ) gas inside of cylinder to quickly extinguish the fire for that it call co2 type extinguisher.


This type of extinguisher black panel with red above the operating instruction.   

Gas & agents – 

This type of extinguisher have no powder, water it only contain compress co2 gas that work extinguishing agent and also  act like expelled.

Parts of extinguisher – 

                        Extinguisher have 2 sections - 
                                                                          Main body and cap assembly
Main body- Steel cylinder,  siphon tube, handle. 

Cap assembly- operating lever, spring valve, safety pin, safety valve , discharge tube ,  horn shape nozzle.

Function of parts –

Steel cylinder – It contain compress carbon dioxide(  co2 ) gas inside.
Siphon tube - It help pump up gas to discharge tube.
Handle– it helps to easily carry and hang on wall by hanging handle of extinguisher.
Lever - leaver help to trigger the extinguisher in case of fire.
Spring valve – it help to open the way pass out of extinguishing agents.
Safety pin – it help to lock the operating lever because it safe the extinguisher unnecessary charge.
Safety valve - it help to release the extra pressure during hot atmospheric condition.
Nozzle – this type of extinguisher contain some different shape nozzle it call horn shape nozzle. This different design applies on it for special purpose.
 Every gas light weight  than liquid for that have a chance gas to mix the air before extinguish  and cannot create  jet shower on the fire by simple nozzle during charge, for that horn shape nozzle avoid  mix with air and make widely  throw out  extinguishing  agent ( co2 ) on the fire.

                                                                                                         Assembly of parts – 

This type of extinguisher contain 1.7mm cylinder that hold compress ( 50 – 60 bar ) co2 as liquid form 75% and gas form 25% of total capacity.
Cap tightly screw on the cylinder and contain other parts on it for that it call cap assembly.
Operating lever fix on the cap
A safety pin attach in the operating lever .
Spring valve fix just under the operating lever inside of cap.
Discharge tube length depend on capacity ( 2 meter tube of 9kg capacity )  that attach with cap that connect with siphon tube.
Safety valve fix opposite side of discharge tube on the cap.
Carrying handle fix on the cap.  
A siphon tube fix bottom from of cylinder to connect with discharge tube.
Horn shape nozzle attach with discharge tube with handle.

Working technique of carbon dioxide ( co2 ) fire extinguisher-

              Case of fire hard press on the operating lever that open the spring valve in side of cap then pressurized co2 gas throw out through discharge tube and jet shower
      (Throwing distance to fire from cylinder( 3 - 5 feet) on fire by horn shape nozzle.

Extinguishing method – 

                       co2   extinguisher extinguish the fire 2 method 
       Smothering- co2  has 90% smothering effect. Normally lot of oxygen ( o2 ) available on  fire place for that  co2   remove the oxygen (o2 ) to stop the breathing air of fire.
      Cooling - compress Carbon dioxide ( co2 ) is very cool for that it has 10% cooling effect.  

   Size -                                           

                                                          potable – 2 kg  , 4.5 kg , 6.5 kg . 
                                                           Mobile -   9 kg , 22.5 kg .

Discharge time – 

  This type of extinguisher full discharge duration minimum 20 – 24 & maximum 25 - 30 sec.

Operating  method – 

First take it to fire site from wall/extinguisher stand.

Take proper physically safe position as close of the fire according of wind             direction.
Remove the safety clip/pin.
Only hold the carrying handle by one hand. 
Strongly press on the operating leaver.  
Hold the only discharge tube handle by another hand to aim the fire and              sweep on the fire.
If fire is control  before finish cylinder then free the lever to stop it because          it not for one time use like cartridge type by one time refilling .

Maintenance -     

                             Every extinguisher have need proper maintains for it always ready for extinguish fire in emergency.  co2  extinguisher must be proper maintain by these - 
Daily/ weekly clean up the whole body.
Check the extinguisher weight by gross weight and empty weight if it has loss 10% of weight of total weight so it should send for refilling to manufacture.
Every 3/6 month need to it internal inspection by                                                                                                    professional/ manufacture.
Check the discharge tube and maintain too easy to work.

Refilling pressure 50 – 60 bar but it refill by only manufacture.
Need hydraulic pressure test (235 – 250 bar ) every 5 year for the extinguisher.

Labeling –

       Every extinguisher must be have a level on body to indicate                                  
the name of manufacture .
Capacity of extinguisher .
Manufacture year .
Operating method .
Which class for use .

Application - 

             Carbon dioxide( co2 ) extinguisher  specially apply for electrical / E class   fire and fire on sensitive equipment because it does not damage the property. It can be use also on A class , b class, k class short type fire.

Advantage of co2 extinguisher -  

This type of extinguisher very easy to use.
It use especially E class fire but it also be use for A class, B class, C class,            k  class short type fire.
It does not damage the property for that it always demanded. 
It can be use much time by one time rifling.


Disadvantage of co2 extinguisher – 

It expensive than others extinguisher.
It not use from long distance from fire 3 -6 feet.

Safety rule of extinguisher – 

Do not keep it warm area.
Use hand gloves for operate it because it create chance cold burn.
Strongly hold discharge tube to avoid hit by it.
Properly lift it.
Not use for metallic fire.
Take proper body position to avoid fall down due to back force during operated carbon dioxide (co2) fire extinguisher .   



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