Role of housekeeping in industrial safety
[we can detail study about role of housekeeping in industrial safety by this post]
simple think housekeeping means only cleaning but according rule of industrial
safety it is not only about cleaning . Its most important part
of safety. good housekeeping reduce chances of accident in work site.
Housekeeping is easily define in one concept
is that - a place for every things and every things in this places.
Definition :-
the site proper cleaning of rubbish and sanitization , stacking of
materials proper uniformly on selected places, unnecessary tools &
materials remove from work place, keep free path way for safe
movements, good lighting system, defected things remove. following
implemented rule properly, maintaining improvement.
overall things is under of housekeeping to maintain a healthy work environment.
5s method of housekeeping in industrial safety:-
housekeeping can remove some hazards from work place and get a job done
safely & properly.
it depend on 5 pillar to work
effectively on work place these 5 pillar also known as 5s method .It originate from the japan [japanese
company toyota production system(TPS)] was first introduce 5s method to the world mid of 20th century. then this effective system
using by the whole world to maintaining safe working environment in the work
The 5s method:-
- sorting
seiton - straightening
- sweeping
seiketsu - standardizing
shitsuke - sustain the discipline
Stacking of materials is 1st important
pillar of housekeeping. in the worksite disorderly stacking materials can be
main reason of accidents and that
direct impact to worker health and
1) Stack the material in
selected area.
2) Staking materials
following by material safety data sheet
3) Stacking
materials/tools keep in orderly/uniformly.
4) Only necessary
materials,tool should be on work site.
5) Keep clear way to safe
movement during stacking materials.
It is second important pillar of the help to simplifying the process.
1) Set in order the
equipment to easily find required things
and avoid waste of time.
2) Required
equipment according of task keep close to hand.
3) Defective
equipment keep separate ,other wish mark by red
4) Routine maintenance
of equipment.
Systematic sweeping:-
It is third important pillar of
housekeeping. sweeping/cleaning deeply help to maintain safe and healthy
environment on work place.
1) Beginning of everyday proper
cleaning and sanitizing very necessary
at work place.
2) Hazardous wast remove from
site and destroy
3) Oily,greasy and hazardous
acids on surface is very
dangerous it should be clean.
4) After work cleaning tools
5) Sharp particles of materials
can be harmful so should be
It is fourth pillar of housekeeping. its help to maintain
disciples on work site.
1) Making of the rule and
2) Following the
implemented rules properly to maintain a
regulated and safe work environment.
It is last pillar of housekeeping.
1)Its help to
improvement our self.
2) Holding the
3) Set the goal
4) Make these rule
Cause of accidents due to bad housekeeping:-
- Tripping over loose object on floors, stairs and platform.
- Falling objects from height it can be hit by worker.
- Slipping floor by oils greasy water it can be dangerous for workers
- Dirty, flammable waste, toxic waste, on worksite can be reason of fire and accidents.
- Striking against with loose obstetrical during walking on site.
- Collapses the poorly places of the materials on site it can be injured workers.
- Cutting, puncturing,or tearing the skin of hands or other parts of body on projecting nails, wire or steel strapping.
- Hanging loose objects can be hit by head, face.
- Loose or jointed electrical wire and faulty electrical equipment can be big reason of accident.
- Poor lighting to bad visibility too dangerous.
- Open toxic gas, acids container on floor make unsafe condition.
Importance of housekeeping in industrial safety:-
- Reduce the man efforts and easy to flow of materials.
- Help to reduce risk of fire hazard in work place.
- Good housekeeping help healthy work environment by proper and sanitizing of work place.
- All equipment working with more efficiency by proper routine maintenance.
- Easy to find obligate materials and avoid waste of time.
- Get free passage for safe movement for worker by good housekeeping.
- Good housekeeping help to prevent of injury due to sharp particles of metallic goods.
- Create good impression to visitors.
- Improved of workers morale that good for productivity.
- Reduce property damages by improving preventive maintenance.