what is safety || industrial safety ||

                         what is safety?(industrial safety)

Introduction Safety :- 

   safety is a first priority before any work. our first safety system is nature,the whole world protect by natural safety system[ like o3 layer defend from ultra violet ray of sun, gravity of earth,   immunity system of living body etc]. Industrial work site have different types of hazards for that deeply required artificial  safety system.   

                       At first we need to know full form of safety S A F E T Y
                                            S- stay
                                                A- alert
                                                      F- for
                                                           E- every
                                                                T- task
                                                                      Y- you do            

Safety’ this word has come from latin word ‘SALVAS’ that means – safe unharmed and healthy.

Definition of safety -                                                                                                                                                       Safety is a protection system that implement by  natural and also artificially. This   system provide freedom to us from accidents, major/minor injures & may be death of livening body, damages of property, financially losses due to hazards.  This  protected system is call safety.

Ø            World health and safety day is 28th April.                          

Ø            National safety day is 4th march. this week celebrating as safety week in the country.

Facts of safety:-

  •         Safety is most important undivided part of each& every work in a day. this think make a hazards free condition to safe us from any type of hazards/danger.

  •      Whole safety system strongly depended on ‘rule’ and technology in industrythese rule has been make by whole accident analyzers in the world and HSE (health safety environment) experts.[sir Herbert William heinrich 1931, and sir Frank E brid ].

·                           Huge number of accident occur every day in the world then most of the result of accident is major inures and death.  Every day almost 3,700 people are killed globally in road traffic crashes involving cars and Every day 47 factory workers are injured and three die in accidents in the India.
every accident has occur due to unsafe act and unsafe condition on road and industry.

  •       Before starting any type of major/minor hazards related  work then necessary to do observation , analyses & prevention this method is call JSA (job safety analyses).

  •      Some overconfident people are violence of the safety rule on site during the work. They can be a major reason of big disaster/accident in work place . these are public are more dangerous for them self and others on the site.

  •       Safety first stating from yourself and spread to others. Following proper safety rule in site to make us safe & also safe happiness of our family.

Significance of industrial safety:-

   v            Accidents:-  everyday in the world number of industrial accident are constantly increasing & its result is injures , fatal, damages. Safety is the only way get us protect from harms.

v      Hazard control:- we always living with major/minor types of hazards & its have potential to harm us. Only safety can control the hazards by following proper safety rule and prevent accident.

v    Damage property:-  hazards are cause of accident and accident are cause of major/minor types of property damages in site . safety can eliminate the hazards to prevent accident to save the property from damages.

v      Financial losses:-  A big accident is reason of  financial loss due to poor safety. damages property & man hour loss badly effect of production, death compensation, hospital fees.  mostly bad effected to financial condition of victims family . for that safety must necessary. 

v      Morale:-  well safety system can maintain safety and healthy work environment on the work site. That create  good  impact to moral e of employees.

v      Productivity: follow proper safety rule to minimizing risk and zero accident are reason of safe working environment that increasing well productivity

o       concept of  accident chain system-

We need to break the chain system of accident-
  •   First identifying unsafe act & unsafe condition to eliminate the hazards and break the chain.
  •   If we cant control unsafe act & condition then Secondly identifying the hazard to prevent the accident  through minimize risk.
                                                                                                            THANK YOU


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