Types of occupational hazards||industrial safety||
[we can detail study about role of housekeeping in industrial safety by this post]
Introduction of
Hazards means danger. We always living with some major and minor hazards, when the hazards directly related occupation than it occupational hazards it can be harmful for us so we should be need to know about hazards for prevent accidents.
Which types of
property/substances/agents/objects have major/minor potential to harm the
living body, accidents, damages, financial losses, that potential of
objects is call hazard.Which types of hazards available on industrial
work site that are call occupational hazard.
Types of hazards-
7 types of
hazard are available on industrial work site. For that we should be to know
about hazards types for taken prevention according types of hazard.
Types of occupational hazards are--
mechanical hazard
4) chemical
5) Fire
6) environmental
7) organization
Mechanical hazards
Its call mechanical hazard.
In industry have huge size and different types of
machinery that are contain many types of hazards, moving parts and
protruding are main reason mechanical hazards.
Approximately 10% of industrial
accidents occur by machines according of data.
Example- power tools, cement mixture, moving conveyor belt etc.
Power tools --
power tools are very hazards
according of mechanically & electrically. Its moving sharp blade can
injured to workers.
Cement mixture machine-
This machine are hazards for
workers. Moving parts of this machine can be harm to the worker during work
with it.
Moving conveyor belt-
It common things
in every factory. During worker with it the worker body part, loose cloth can
be bind with belt its very harmful for worker
Physical hazard
If any hazards have potential to harm the human body without
necessary touching it is call physical hazard. Which are too often overlooking
because of familiarity
This types of hazard commonly
available in work places.
Example- heat,
light, noise, vibration ultra radiation , slipping down etc.
- Heat-
Heat is a very common
hazard in industrial work places. Workers are can be harm but effects of heat.
It has direct and indirect effects to humans.
Boiler, thermal plants etc
Direct effects-
Without any protection
doing heat related work in site can be burn body parts.
Heat exhaustion-
Heat exhaustion is hot atmosphere enclose area on work site due to
any heat sources. In this condition heavy sweating and rapid pulse due to
body overheating, its result that headache, dizziness.muscle cramps and can be
happen heat stroke.
Heat cramp-
It is heat illness. Hard work in hot
temperature condition reason of muscle cramp that very painful for muscle.
Heat stroke-
During the hard work in very hot
temperature atmosphere the work site the body of workers badly effects by
heat,in this condition overheat
Of the body (104F/40C) above
temperature can be heat injuries. Its result doziness, headache, muscle cramp,
heavy sweating, fainting are symptoms of heat stroke.
It can be causes fatal accidents.
Indirect effects-
Indirect effect of
heat are decrease work efficiency, increase fatigue of workers, increase
accident accidents rate on industrial site.
Those create bad effect to
- Cold effects-
Some types of industry have cold
hazards like dry ice factories and liquid N2 factory etc. extremely cold
climatic condition
Also can be hazard for workers.
painful itching and lump on body
part because poor circulation in the skin expose to cold objects.
Due to cold create a condition
swelling at body parts of personal and red patches appear on the skin and it’s
very itching or painful.
Immersion foot-
It is feet injury by cold.
Working for long time wet and cold condition for that feet loose heat 24 times
faster than dry feet and
Compress blood vassal and stop blood
circulation to feet also very painful. It’s very hazardous for human body.
Due to extreme cold body
tissue are freeze and formation ice crystals in cell for that cell are disrupt
and this condition very
painful and swelling of human body
It is disease due to extreme cold working for long time.
- Light-
It also a physical hazard have
potential to harm. In
industrial work site have some type of light related hazard like poor
illumination or excessive brightness to badly effect workers.
Poor illumination-
It has two types of affects
that acute and chronic effect.
Acute effects-
Eye strain-
on digital device for long time without any rest this disease can
happen. Symptoms like watery eyes, double vision, headache, burning
and itching and lazy eyes Due to of this disease.
under poor light for long time its directly bad effects to eyes of employees.
Its result is headache runny eyes etc.
Eye pain and lachrymal-
Stays under low lighting
condition for long time its result is eyes pain and lachrymal, bad effect to
Chronic effect-
effect on health is that 'miner’s nystagmus'. These diseases are very painful
for life.
Excessive illumination-
It also hazardous for eyes and lead to accident or create
uncomfortable condition in work place for worker.
Discomfort and visual fatigue
Work under much bright light
for long time that feel to workers visual fatigue and very
of vision and lead to accidents-
Sudden projection excessive light by
any vehicles or objects are reason of blurring vision that result big road
- Noise-
Noise is
common hazard in industrial work site. Excessive noise is very harmful for ear.
Due to height noise loss
hearing temporary or permanently.
auditory effect-
Due to excessive noise can be
nervousness of personal, fatigue, interference in communication, annoyance, and
decrease efficiency of work of industrial work site. Mainly noises spreading
depend on intensity, frequency of range, duration of exposure.
- Vibration-
It is also a
physical hazard, it can harm to worker. Mainly construction site have these
hazard due to operating vibrator, drill machine, blasting operation
Vibrations these are create
bad effect hand and arms of operators in work site.
- Ultraviolet
It’s very harmful for welders.
During of arc welding have create much more possibility to occupational expose
to ultraviolet radiation,
It badly effect to eyes of
Slipping down -
Workers can be slip down due to slippage floor during the work it also a physical hazards
Heavy weight lift -
Workers may be physically injured due to lifting heavy weight.
Chemical hazards
![]() |
chemical hazards |
Some type chemicals are highly hazards. These
chemicals are use for production as raw materials in industry for that its can
be very
Dangerous for workers with work it.
Chemicals have big role of industrial accidents. It’s not only harm to workers
also harmful surrounded civilians.
The chemical are
enter our body only 3 way that are -
Inhalation -- enter the chemically
air/smell through breathing
Ingestion -- enter the chemically
substance by the food.
Injection-- enter the chemical
substance through any injection objects.
Absorption-- contact the skin with
chemical substances.
Due to contact hazardous chemical with skin by any chance to
result is burning parts of body badly of worker in site.
worker feel illness (like breathing problem, headache,
vomiting, unconsciousness) during work with toxic chemical due to chemically
smell and vapor.
It can be reason of fatal accidents.
Skin irritation-
During the work with chemicals
workers are feels skin irritation due to skin contact with chemicals.
Biological hazard
Biological hazards come from
biological organism to harm/injured workers. Mainly construction area beside
forest, hills, grassland has these types of hazards.
Wild animal attack-
Some time workers area beside
the forest, during the work worker can be attack by wild animal (like - snake
elephants, pigs etc) get injured.
Insect bite-
During the work injurious insects (bee, mosquito, wild fly etc) can attack to the workers.
sometimes works interact with
some unknown infectious plant during the work on site.
worker can
be infecting by any fungi. It lives on soil, plants and any low immunity
infected person during work. It result skin infection
Ringworm, cryptococcosis,
histoplasmosis etc)
Viruses and bacteria-
Viral & bacterial are more
hazards than others biological hazards. It can be infect all worker in very
short time,
It result viral fever, flu herpes, blood-borne, hepatitis-B
or C, HIV etc.
for we need to very well about fire hazards for awareness
prevent fire accidents on work site .
Flammable oil-
Fire accident occur due to
flammable oil contact to ignite heat in work place.(petrol, diesel,kerosene
Flammable gas-
By any chance ignite heat
contact to flammable gas it can be reason of big fire accidents.(
lpg,hydrogen,butane,methane etc).
chemical fire -
Chemicals are also reason of fire, some chemicals
react with each other for that make much heat to exploration and
contact any combustible substances for create fire.(acetone
peroxide,azoclathrates, benzoyl peroxide).
electrical fire-
It is dangerous reason of fire on industrial work
place. electrical fire can be due to electrical short circuit on work
Environmental hazards
Environment is so helpful and beautiful but other side
very hazardous for us. Injury, fatal accidents, damages, losses can
be happen due to environmental hazard.
Example- environmental
hazards- thunders, storm, earthquake etc.
Thunder- work
during thunder creates high life risk and can be fatal accidents.
Storms- during storm can be injured the workers in
work place.
Earthquake - make high life risk of workers for
collapse building trees etc due to earthquake.
Organization hazards
managements/administration of organization hazards also included in occupational hazards.
implementation of rule in company.
work load.
Required safety
equipment unavailability.
conclusion - after reading we can easily conclude about occupational hazards in work site
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thank you my safety friends