Methods of fire extinguishing & extinguishing agents

Methods of fire extinguishing & extinguishing agents

[we can detail study about fire extinguish and extinguishing agents through this post.]



Fire is a form of energy that produce light heat smock. It is a necessary element of human life .it can deeply help to increase productivity but in other side fire is play role of destroyer. Every year has occurred different type of fire accidents (industrial fire, domestic fire, forest fire etc) in the whole world. And its result lot of humans other animals death, damage of property and financial losses.  Constantly increase of fire accidents year to year in industrial site, so we must be know about fire and method of fire extinguishing to prevent fire accidents on site.


Typical meaning of Fire extinguish is that control the fire and eliminate the fire on place.
Fire extinguishing is a system that deeply helps properly control fire and fully eliminate the fire from site.

Method of fire firefighting-

             Fire extinguishing process strongly depends on 4 golden methods to deeply help for fight against fire in work place.

4 method of firefighting-                Cooling
                                                         Break the chain reaction


             Cooling is well method for fighting against fire.try to reduce heat for control the hazardous fire this  method is call cooling. Because heat is an important element to trigger the fire, if we reduce the heat so we can successfully control the hazardous fire in site.
Example- generally cold water is use for reduces the heat of fire.


                    Smothering is air controlling method for fight against fire.try to cut off the air supply (O2) for control hazardous fire this type of method is call smothering. Because air (O2) is most important element it play the role of breathing air for fire, if we reduce or cut off the air (O2) supply to fire, so we can easily control the hazardous fire on site.
Example- Dry chemical powder (DCP), blanket, CO2 extinguisher, foam & sand etc.

Starvation –
                Starvation is fuel controlling method for fight against fire. Try to cut off the fuel supply
for control hazardous fire this type ofmethod is call starvation. Because fuel is most important element it work like feed of fire, if we fully cut off the fuel supply so we easily control or eliminate the hazardous fire on site
Example- stop the source of fuel supply, remove the fuel from fire side.

Break the chain reaction-

                                    It is a chain breaking method for fight against fire. Fire fully depend on air ( O2 ) fuel and heat , it happen the burned fuel substance release lot of heat  light and smock  which trend to burn remaining fuel substance this reaction occur again and again it call chain reaction. So we need to break the chain reaction for control the hazardous fire on site.

Fire extinguishing agents-

  Firefighting system work through extinguishing agents for fight against fire.

 The extinguishing agents are ---  

                                                                         1.  Water
                                                            2. Foam
                                                            3.  Carbon dioxide (O2)
                                                            4. Dry chemical powder (DCP)
                                                             5. Halogenated hydrocarbon
                                                             6.   Extinguishing agents of metal fire
                                                             7.   Sand
                                                              8.  Blanket

 1. Water –

          Water is common  agent that use for fight against fire. Cooling method work through the water.
Water is a good solvent and minimum change of viscosity with temperature so it can be easily pumped.
Latent vaporized heat is high so it can absorb high amount of heat from the fire place. Water can expansion by heat with high rate (1 liter water can produce 1700 liter steam) this feature create smothering effect that help for fight against fire. Surface tension is very high of water for that it can be easily spray with jet spray that deeply help to control the fire. Density of water strongly helps for penetration to fire place. Water is easily available elements so it a first choice for fight against fire.

 2. Foam-

           Foam means forth, it is a substance that creates from tramping air/gas in liquid or solid. Foam is a very well extinguishing agent  and it use increasing day to day in this mordant time. Smothering method (create a coat on the liquid fuel to reduce the oxygen supply) work through foam to control the fire.
                Foam has 2 types – Mechanical foam
                                                    Chemical foam

  • Mechanical foam-

                          A particular concentration of foam mixing with appropriate amount of water and co2 is release when the plunger depress  to the solution mix then forcefully release through the nozzle  to fire that create  the mechanical foam.
     Example – protein foam, aqua’s film forming (AFFF) etc.

  • Chemical foam –

                        It is a small bubble containing solution. Sodium bicarbonate and aluminium sulfate react with each other and create foam and carbon dioxide (CO2) this type foam is call chemical foam.
Formula – 6NaHCO3+ AL2 (SO4)3 ---- > 3Na2 SO4+ 2AL (OH) 3 +6CO2
Uses- foam uses for liquid fire/B type fire

3. Carbon dioxide (CO2)-

                               CO2 is an inert gas that does not react with fuel. It is very help full extinguishing agent for fight against fire on place.  Co2 is a very important  agent in present time and it requirement increasing day by day specially for industrial site. Smothering and cooling method work through co2 media.
 It stays liquid form in low temperature and expansion is very high. Co2 create cooling effect and heavy than air for that to reduce the o2 level of fire for control.    
Uses- co2 use for electrical fire/E type fire

4. Halogenated hydrocarbons (halons)-    

                                         It is a high toxicity chemical extinguishing agent that efficiency for the  fight against fire, it also known as hydrocarbon. It very light weight and effectively control the fire than co2
Uses- halon specially use in aircraft.

5. Dry chemical powder (DCP)-

                          Dry chemical powder (DCP) is a very common and three dimensional  agent that availability high than others. It can prevents evolution of flammable vapour and eliminate the chances of re- ignition. The smothering method is work through DCP.
  Some important dry chemical powder is—sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate etc.
Uses- use for A, B & C type fire.

6. Extinguishing agents of metal fire-

                       some  extinguishing agent available for fight against metal fire. metal starting burn in high temperature(1600 deg) others types agents are not capable to control the metal fire,  so required to special type of agents to control the metal fire. MEL -X powder composed by sodium chloride, tri calcium phosphate and zinc separate and powdered thermoplastic material , G-1 powder is mixture of graphite foundry coke are agents easy to use for extinguish metal fire/D type fire. 
some other agents are -  ternary eutectic chloride( TEC), INERT gases etc.  
Uses- it very suitable for metal fire/ D type fire

7. Sand-

         Sand is a very common fire fighting agent . It uses most of every fire hazardous area.Smothering method work through sand, it make cover on fire to cut off the o2 supply.
Uses- it uses for A & B type fire but it only working on small fire.

 8.Fire blanket –

                 Fire blanket is very help full extinguishing agent. it works as a cover on the fire to control of fire by using smothering method. Fire blanket professionally use in fire hazardous work place but normal cotton blanket also help fighting against small fire.

Fire fighting media-

    fire extinguish media means which types of equipment or machinery are use for fight agents fire . all extinguish agents work through extinguishing medias for fire extinguishing.

 medias are- fire extinguisher , fire tender ,  fire hydrant , sprinklers , fire ball etc.  

          conclusion - after study this post you can gain your knowledge about fire extinguishing methods & agents.
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                          thank you my dear safety friend


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