[we can easily understand about triangle of  fire & classification  through this post.]

                                                                     FIRE FLAME

Introduction – 

Fire is a form of energy that very helpful for us also it very destroyer for us. Fire is very important process that effect ecological system in whole earth. The positive affect of fire is that stimulating growth factor and maintaining several ecological systems. Negative effects is very hazards / brutal for whole earth. Loose of life, property pollution of environments and contaminate of water.  Different type of fire hazards available on industrial work place and that are can be big reason of fire accidents.

Definition – 

 Fire is a rapid oxidation method of materials.
It is an external sign chemical reaction between oxygen fuel and heat that create thermo energy   bright light smock and sound.

Triangle of fire -

 Fire is only depending on a triangle system that is oxygen fuel and heat. These are main factor to create any types of fire because if absence of any one in three elements so fire will not be happen. There is a one more essential element beside of three elements that is call chain reaction. When a fire occurs the burned substances produce lot of heat which trends for burn remaining fuel substances, this process happen again and again that reason of chain reaction of fire.

Elements of fire-

         Air -

 Air contains 2 important gases oxygen and nitrogen and others are co2 helium etc. Air contain 20.95% of O2 is a main element for fire.principle of 02 burning is that perfect amount of o2 mix with combustible vapors on flash point when happen fire on particular purpose but without prefect level of o2 fire not happen.    
     Amazing fact is oxygen is not flammable but it highly capable to support the process of combustion for creates fire , o2 work like breathing air of fire

         Fuel -

 Which substances are ready to burn or which substances are burn itself to make fire,most of the fuel have a particular flash point( temperature) when the flammable fuel vapor combine with o2 on that flash point then occur fire, fuel work like feed of fire it calling fuel. It is a most important element of fire.
                                    Types of fuel-    Solid fuel
                                                              Liquid fuel
                                                              Gaseous fuel 

    Solid fuel –

 Solid combustible materials can burnt are call solid fuel. Solid fuel was help to fire in human history and in present time it widely spread in whole world.
              Example – wood, coal, paper & cotton etc. 
     Wood- it is first choice as solid fuel mainly in domestically but in industrial area it has limited use.

     Coal-   it is combustible sedimentary rock, it have highly use in industrial places for produce energy.
    Paper & cotton- it not is as fuel but it can play role of fuel for fire.

     Liquid fuel-  

 Which types of liquid can burnt to create fire those are call liquid fuel. Liquid fuel is very useful for mordant life movements.
             Example – petrol, diesel, kerosene, gasoline, alcohol etc.
        Petrol- petrol is lighter than water. It using mainly for light vehicles and machines.

        Diesel – diesel is low density liquid than water. It using mainly for heavy vehicles and machines.

         Kerosene- it also use domestically its low flammability than petrol diesel.

        Gasoline- it only using for z engine it highly combustible. 

         Alcohol- it not uses as fuel but it can play role as fuel to fire.

Gaseous fuel-  

 Which types of gases can burnt to create fire those gases are calling gaseous fuel.

              Example- liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compress natural gas (cng), hydrogen etc.

    LPG- liquefied petroleum gas heavier than air and highly flammable gas. It uses domestically, vehicles etc.
       CNG – compress natural gas is use in place of gasoline also use substitute of petrol, LPG diesel on vehicles.

   Heat -  

 Heat/ temperature  is a form of energy mainly it triggers to fire also heat is a result of fire. every flammable fuel have a flash point / which particular heat(degree) responsible for fire presence of o2 at place.    

These factors are reason fire but also responsible for fire hazards and accidents on work places.

Classification of fire –



         classification of fire is help us to know fire type that is directly effect to firefighting. the mainly 4  major groups fire  A B C D E  but more 1 type of fire are include on the fire classification that is k. this classification strongly related with extinguishing system. 

  •           A type fire- this types of fire are ordinary fire. These types of fire are look like ordinary but can big cause of fire accidents on work places so take it carefully. It may occur anywhere.
         Example – wood, papers, cottons etc.
  •            B type fire-   flammable or combustible liquid related fire on work places is call liquid fire. Several industry have use different types of flammable liquid for combustion to create fire hazards, for that there may be occur B type/ liquid fire.
          Example- petrol, diesel, kerosene, alcohol and gasoline etc.
  •          C type fire-   flammable / combustible gases related fire are calling gaseous fire. Flammable gases are use various industrial site for productions to create fire hazards, for that may be occur C type fire / gaseous fire.
        Example – liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) compress natural gas (CNG) hydrogen etc.
  •          D type fire - when the fire occur due to any combustible metal are call metallic fire. Several industries ( steel industry) have use combustible metal for production to reason of fire hazards on site, that is why may be happen metal fire/D type fire.
       Example- sodium, phosphorous, magnesium , titanium, zlrocnlum  etc. (it all use on                     match sticks, crackers etc).
  •        E type fire- which types of fire related with electricity that’s call electrical fire/E type fire. Electricity is very common about domestically and industrially, for that electrical fire hazards may be create and its reason of electrical fire/E type fire on site.
      Example – wiring, switch board, transformers and others electrical equipment.
  •         K type fire -  which type of fire related with kitchen means which type

    of fire mainly occur in kitchen that’s call kitchen fire/K type fire. These are fire mainly happen domestically. Some fire hazards are available in kitchen that does can be reason of kitchen fire/k type fire.
       Example- cooking oil, olive oil, palm oil,canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil,safflower oil etc. 

conclusion -   we can easily understand about fire triangles and classification through this post

                                                                                         THANK YOU MY SAFETY FRIENDS


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